Easiest Bibimbap Ever

Easiest Bibimbap Ever
Home Cooked Feast for all!

Every food blog article always starts off with some lengthy explanation of how the writer discovered this dish and how much their partner and/or kids absolutely love it. So, here it is. I first learned of bibimbap on a flight from Seattle to Seoul and it was the best airplane meal I have ever had. I didn’t see it again for another 5 years when my brother started dating my now sister-in-law, a nice Korean girl. This recipe is for the easiest bibimbap ever.

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What makes this the easiest bibimbap ever?

I don’t speak Korean, but I understand Bibimbap literally means “rice mixed with meat and vegetables”. To any Koreans out there reading, please feel free to correct me!

Bibimbap is a very popular dish for grab-and-go in train stations or something you can just throw together. The easiest bibimbap ever with the, above, very general definition, means that you can effectively use any meat and any [whatever] fresh vegetables you can think of… which fits my bill perfectly. Great for an easy lunch, delicious dinner, or hearty snack.

Toss some meat (beef, pork, chicken, etc) with rice and whatever you have in the fridge (cucumber, matchstick carrots, spinach, beansprouts) and top it off with whatever else (sesame seeds, seaweed/nori, green onion/scallions, cilantro), drop a sunny-side-up egg on top, add a dollop of gochujang …and boom! Done. Photograph, stir and eat.

Mixed up and looking tasty
Easiest Bibimbap Ever

Easiest Bibimbap Ever

The Korean definition of bibimbap means rice with meat and vegetables, so how can you mess this up? All ingredients are optional and all are acceptable!
Prep Time 15 mins
Total Time 15 mins


  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • ½ cup your favorite meat bulgogi beef, gochujang pork, etc
  • cup sliced or julienne cucumber fresh
  • cup shredded carrot fresh
  • cup mung bean/bean sprout pickled or fresh
  • 1 fried egg sunny side up
  • 1 tbsp gochujang sauce
  • soy sauce to taste
  • cilantro garnish
  • green onion garnish
  • sesame seed garnish
  • sesame seaweed kelp or nori garnish
  • 1 tsp jalapeno chopped, garnish


  • If possible, use a 500+°F stone bowl, but if this is not an option, any large bowl will do.
  • On a bed of rice, nicely place all chopped fresh vegetables alongside.
  • Add meat.
  • Top with fried egg.
  • Garnish to your heart's content.
  • Enjoy!

Include whatever you like

Do you know why this is the easiest bibimbap ever? Because you literally can’t mess it up. Add in whatever fresh veg you like, spice it however you like, and enjoy it as much as you can!

You don’t need many tools for this dish, but it all starts with the rice. If you haven’t read through alright, here’s how to cook rice!

If you try this out and don’t believe that it is actually the easiest bibimbap ever, tell me how to make it even easier than this.

As I mentioned in the recipe, I love the impact that having a hot stone bowl makes, but if you don’t have it, you’ll be able to enjoy the same thing at 90% satisfaction (vs the full 100% – haha). Let me know how it goes!

Any family secrets? Any stories?

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