Haskayne MBA Cocktails

Happy Holidays to all Haskayne MBA Alumni and Students (and if you ended up here some other way)!
Hello and Welcome to HomeCookedFeast.com! Created here in Calgary, AB by one of your fellow Alum, me (Kai Hochhausen)! 🙂
Of course, I am joking around. But thanks for stopping in! If you’ve been here before, welcome back; if this is your first time, welcome to my little covid cooking project! @HomeCookedFeast started as an Instagram food account over Summer 2020 and has now become a full scale marketing project to test not only my culinary and photography, but also copywriting, WordPress, SEO, etc. skills!
Here you’ll find many classic recipes, but most fun of all, all of my #homecookedfeast(s) creating home-cooked meals from around the world and original fusion-influenced all in one delicious place! Come back again and come back often!
Haskayne Virtual Cocktail and Trivia Night Event
I know the real reason you’re here is for the cocktail recipes (and that’s ok!)
Click here for everything your cocktail life late desires:
Check back soon for a recording of our delicious cocktails!
In the meantime, here are the recipes you’ll need to follow along on the night of our virtual event!
At HomeCookedFeast.com, we are excited to be your new online source for fun recipes in the kitchen and from the bar!
Follow our Instagram @homecookedfeast

Thanks for stopping in! I hope you learned something and have the confidence to try cooking and cocktailing for yourself!
I’m looking forward to connecting with you in person someday soon.
Happy Holidays!
Kai Hochhausen, MBA
Founder, HomeCookedFeast.com